Thursday, April 26, 2012

I800A Approved!!

Today ended on a good note!  I was going through my mail, and there, before my eyes was something from the Department of Homeland Security!  Did you ever know you could get so excited about seeing an envelope from them?  I am excited to tell you that it was my approval to adopt in Hong Kong!  I guess they think Mark and I are normal enough!  Yea!!!  The next step is to apply for the I800, which is the form that will approve us to adopt Sui, who resides in Hong Kong.  Now, does that get submitted with the dossier, I'm not sure, but Debby will tell me soon!  I feel like this is a big step forward and I couldn't wait to let you all know.  Please continue praying for our family and for Sui.  As far as other fundraising ideas, I am in the process of figuring our a T-shirt design so I can start selling shirts.  I want them to be really awesome, so I'm taking my time to create the perfect design!


  1. Let me know I want to buy one!! how inspiring!!

  2. Very exciting! The I800 actually comes after matching approval which will come after your dossier is submitted to HK. It is so wonderful to be moving forward! Great to "meet" you on the yahoo group and I look forward to following your journey, especially since we are almost at the exact same place.
